There's been quite a blow up recently in my life and in the life of those I hold close. There's been a lot of rejection and seperation. Many have gone their own ways while other's ran around with blinds over their eyes. Hurt consumed plenty and caused even the one's who seemed rooted in God to doubt. You know, when you're soo involved in a relationship, there's no doubt that may creep in because you've established a firm foundation with the person. That's how it should be with God. The trust should be so intense and so real that nothing can seep in and say otherwise.

Many people questioned God while other's stayed close to God. It was a crucial time in the journey. God always gives something precious to man, yet man seems to always mess up. Man becomes prideful and decides to want it for themselves. No type of appreciation towards God because to man, he/she did it themselves. That's wrong. You know, Apostle William Hinn said something that was so real and true. Everything here on Earth has a specific order. The trees, the wind, the animals...everything has a purpose and it is done correctly. Everything except one creation...MAN.
Man is the only creation made by God that goes the complete opposite of what God has destined man to be. God has given complete rule and authority over everything in the Earth yet Man acts as a slave to what's suppose to be their possesion.

You know there are a ton of Christians that seem to think being a christian doesn't mean they have to be completely different from the world. They decide to dress, act, teach, learn and speak like the world. It then comes to the point where those christians look no different that those who proclaim that they want nothing to do with God. They begin to consume themselves with the media that the world provides and reject music that speak of their Creator. They begin to get markings on their bodies because "hey, it's nothing bad. It's the meaning behind it that matters." That's the point where they begin to pick at the word and what the word says about those things just so they can be accepted with the world. Yet, when you really study the word, you begin to realize the persecution Jesus received. The rejection and the abuse He received because He was different.

We complain about life and about the difficult journey we are in but in reality it is nothing compared to the journey Christ had to go through so that you can live!

I must be honest, it truly bugs me when the only words that come out of the mouth of believers are words that benefit themselves. They easily forget that we are put here not for ourselves, but for the people we are to bring back. We are put here to glorify the Great I's not about YOU. It's about them...It's about HIM. God will soon turn what's ugly into something beautiful like He always has.

Rosalyn Acevedo
7/27/2010 12:07:40 am

Ecc3:11-15.....He makes something beautiful out of the mess...God never fails!

Love your honesty


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