For months now  I've been trying to figure out why it seems as though people have shut their eyes and have placed on their own chains. They've trapped themselves when God has called them to be free in Him.
There are people suffering and struggling and believers are too caught up in themselves that they do not see what is happening around them. Believers are fighting against believers...Christians against Christians.
Gossip is consuming the mouth of those who say they love you. People are too focused on little things and their eyes are blinded from the BIG picture.

Maybe it's just me, but I can not comprehend why people chose to walk away from the calling of God. Don't you get that you have a purpose? Why are you still addicted to that of the world? Why are you still lost? Why are you unfocused? Why are you lying and mistreating the word so that it fits your lifestyle? Do you really think you can fool God? WAKE UP!
We have to come to a place where we begin to examine ourselves..where we begin to allow the LORD to come in and restore and make whole. You can not birth yourself. God has to be invited in and be allowed to do what He needs to do in you. Otherwise, why are you wasting His time?

It saddens me when I see people backtrack. People have lost that purity, seperation, uniqueness that God has given to them. Why? Well, it's simple. They desire to be loved, like, accepted by the world. (The world being friends, family..people who would not accept you when you are in Christ.) This is being out of order.
How can a machine function if it is out of order? It can't. The same applies to sons and daughters of the Lord. How can you function if you call yourself a Christian..a believer...yet you are hidding out in parties? You are drinking, lying, having sex before marriage, being lustful
...this is not what GOD has designed you to be. You are not designed to conform you are designed to consume the world with the LOVE of the FATHER.  You are designed to bring LIFE to that which is dying. There are people out there dying a painful death and all they need is someone to bring life...bring Christ into their mess. That's your job...that's where you come in. But, you can't bring life if you yourself are dying.

You've been warned! Wake up people. Wake up before it's too late! Time is ticking! Wake up!


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