For months now  I've been trying to figure out why it seems as though people have shut their eyes and have placed on their own chains. They've trapped themselves when God has called them to be free in Him.
There are people suffering and struggling and believers are too caught up in themselves that they do not see what is happening around them. Believers are fighting against believers...Christians against Christians.
Gossip is consuming the mouth of those who say they love you. People are too focused on little things and their eyes are blinded from the BIG picture.

Maybe it's just me, but I can not comprehend why people chose to walk away from the calling of God. Don't you get that you have a purpose? Why are you still addicted to that of the world? Why are you still lost? Why are you unfocused? Why are you lying and mistreating the word so that it fits your lifestyle? Do you really think you can fool God? WAKE UP!
We have to come to a place where we begin to examine ourselves..where we begin to allow the LORD to come in and restore and make whole. You can not birth yourself. God has to be invited in and be allowed to do what He needs to do in you. Otherwise, why are you wasting His time?

It saddens me when I see people backtrack. People have lost that purity, seperation, uniqueness that God has given to them. Why? Well, it's simple. They desire to be loved, like, accepted by the world. (The world being friends, family..people who would not accept you when you are in Christ.) This is being out of order.
How can a machine function if it is out of order? It can't. The same applies to sons and daughters of the Lord. How can you function if you call yourself a Christian..a believer...yet you are hidding out in parties? You are drinking, lying, having sex before marriage, being lustful
...this is not what GOD has designed you to be. You are not designed to conform you are designed to consume the world with the LOVE of the FATHER.  You are designed to bring LIFE to that which is dying. There are people out there dying a painful death and all they need is someone to bring life...bring Christ into their mess. That's your job...that's where you come in. But, you can't bring life if you yourself are dying.

You've been warned! Wake up people. Wake up before it's too late! Time is ticking! Wake up!

Name- a language unit by which a person or thing is known…name is like a title of who you are.

There is a reason and meaning behind everyone’s name. Whether it be something simple or something thought-out.

We do not choose our names just as we do not choose the family we are born into. It is given to us for a reason.

Native American Indians pick out names related to what you are to do in the future.  The name chosen is VERY important to the tribes…there’s meaning and purpose behind it. 

 Ex.  KACHINA: Hopi name meaning spirit, sacred dancer." TAKODA: Sioux name meaning "friend to everyone." SONGAN: strong

They chose a name that they saw you fulfill.

NAME: It’s a small word with a big meaning. It says who you are.

Soo…If someone was to take a look at your life outside of church…when you’re by yourself…what would you call yourself?

What do you see yourself as? What do you label yourself as? What does the world label you as? What does God say you are?

Is your name liar?

You know there are people that are addicted to alcohol and when they go to rehab the first step is admitting…I am an alcoholic. It seems like it’s easier to admit that than it is to admit that I am a liar….that I am envious…that I am jealous..why? Because that’s from’s deep…it’s personal…it shows where you are.

Is your name suicidal? You know every 17 seconds..a young person commits suicide. Imagine how many have committed suicide since you've been reading this.

Is your name hate?


Is your name hopeless?

This is the big one in our generation…is your name depression?

We all have so many names..labels… that we carry that are not of God…names that we carry that bring us low.  If we really search within our hearts…our life..who we really are behind closed doors…when everyone is gone and it’s just you and God.... you will see what drags us down.

Genesis 32:24-28

I’m gonna tell you about someone who had a name.

Story of Jacob:

Esau was a VERY hairy man

Jacob was a VERY manipulated man.

They were twins.

Esau was born first, with Jacob grasping at his heel. The theme of rivalry continued when, as a young man, Jacob exploited Esau's hunger in order to buy his birthright and then stole his brother's blessing by taking advantage of his father, Isaac's, blindness during Esau's absence. (goatskin)

In Haran, Jacob worked for his uncle Laban in order to obtain Rachel as a wife. After 7 yrs, Laban deceived Jacob by substituting Rachel's older sister Leah under cover of darkness, just as Jacob had exploited his father's inability to see in order to obtain the blessings intended for his older brother Esau.

Jacob decided to go back and Esau found out and decided to meet him with an army. Jacob grew scared and prayed.

Genesis 32:24-28

Jacob’s name meant liar. And, Israel meant prince of God or ruling with God.

You see,  whatever name you carry…whatever name you’ve been wrestling with, God wants to change it….

If your name is insecure God wants to call you confident.

Hated----loved or beloved

Fatherless----sons and daughters







Porn attic---pure at heart

In bondage---free indeed




You see….God sees you more than what you see yourself…more than what the world labels you as…

He sees you as kings…Sons and daughters of the great I AM.

He wants to change your name…

We have to begin to open our hearts and reveal to God (even though He already knows it) who we truly are.  Reveal to God our inner most secrets. It’ll cause the journey of being living epistles read by ALL men.

Being so open where there’s no shame..nothing to hide… 

So…what do you call yourself? 

-Tzira--(message given to young adults at a youth gathering.)



This is written in the perspective of man who lives a carnal life....carnal christian.  

I am a broken vessel leaking
Seeking for an ear to hear my fear.
I’m placed in this world,
Told to run with the horses
And Lord knows I’m tired of running.

I’m plucked from those with great knowledge and words of wisdom
to lead a generation whom I’ve never met..
and I rather not regret my step
instead I fade beneath the shade.
Surrounded by shepherds peppered in the word
Told to trust in a god who I’ve never met
to trust in a god who I’ve never talked to
Threat sets in the streets where trust is in the same category as lust.
And nothing and everything is left under the sun

Realize I am not like everyone else.
I’ve heard the stories of those before us
Noah, Job and even Moses
Yet, nothing surprises nor brings satisfaction
To seek attraction to my mind.
I am placed in a nation where I don’t belong
Yet I’m supposed to belong and take authority
Despite the mediocrity
Because Christ already lived through this.
Set apart among the set apart.
In a world where everything seems to fall apart
And I’m chosen to impart the love of Christ.

I’m summoned by He who summons demons to flee.
He who summons man to release;
He that is within thee.
Placed within a gift brought with an accountability
Which was spoken by Him not to miss the mark.

To bring forth words
and drag the world with loving cords
and break bondage of their lords
cuz the world’s got too many lords.
I’m told of a loving god
One who doesn’t cheat, steal or lie
One who seeks to heal and restore
But I chose to ignore
I keep holding my chains
Locked, kept in restraint
Cuz that’s where I’m safe.

Rather be in with the crowd
Knowing that’s not the way out
Knowing that’s not why He fought
…To be caught in a realm of destruction.
And I’m there.
In a place of destruction
Knowing Christ already came, saved, and proclaimed
To keep me from shame when I raise my hands to praise.
To keep me from hiding behind myself
Knowing Sunday I will run to church
But Saturday night is my time to search.
I sip, smoke and remorse over and over
Found left in the streets,
feeling guilty
Knowing of a god who supplies
Even the implied
In Him who I rely
Take advantage and abuse Him
Only for a mere moment.


You see,
I’m not like everyone else
I’ve heard of Christ
I’ve been advised and given advise to those who don’t truly know me.
Because if you’d known me
You’d see me
You’d see my suffering
And the memories that’s left within
Because I’m not who I say I am
I’m already labeled, stamped and mailed out
To those who think Holy are thou.
But deep within I seek out.

I need to be broken before I am brought up
Need to be heard before I can hear
Need to release before I release to those in need
Cuz I am a broken vessel leaking seeking for He that is within me.

John 8:12(New International Version) -  12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Comparing a flash of lightening and a lit flashlight:
A flash of lightening is quick, not consistent. It can be big and powerful.
A flashlight is continuous and steady.

We are called to be a light to others. We should be a steady, consistent stream of light rather than a quick brilliant light shown every once in a while. It gets people's attention for a mere moment, but that's it. We should be a consistent light unto the world.

Being a light to the world requires surrender and sacrifice.

1 Samuel 15:10-31
Samuel informs Saul that God has rejected him as king because he did not fulfill God's command. Saul lashes out, defending his obedience by claiming he did indeed fulfill the sacrificial obligation. But, ultimately Saul's actions reveal his true commitment to God.

We defend ourselves with a list of good things we've done...(good deeds.) But outward show isn't God's chief concern. He desires the commitment of body, mind and soul. As disciples, we have to learn to focus on the condition of our hearts rather than on what others see on the surface.
                  Examination of the hearts.

We have to learn to make sure our actions reflect our true character.

1 Samuel 16: 1-13
David isn't exactly the ideal picture of royalty. Sweaty from working in the fields all day, he is just a ruddy-faced kid. But he has a pure heart, and that's what God sees when he anoints him as Israel's king.

We are an image-obsessed society.

1Samuel 16:7 (New International Version)
7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

The anointing knows no face. The Lord doesn't fill you up or choose you because of the way you look or present yourself outwardly. It is what's within that matters. You can look healthy on the outside but on the inside bitterness, anger and/or depression abides.

As leaders we are going to be tested, tempted and desired to be destroyed. We are going to be questioned, doubted but none of that long as you keep hold of the word and apply it to your life.

God will examine our hearts and reveal things that we've been trying to hide.

Remember: you are constantly being watched from the day that you realized that you were different and began to separate yourself from the world...that's when you began to be examine. You were different. You were that flashlight that continued to shine in steady motion despite the obstacles.

Those that examine and watch us should see Christ in us. Let our motions and actions reflect Christ.

There's been quite a blow up recently in my life and in the life of those I hold close. There's been a lot of rejection and seperation. Many have gone their own ways while other's ran around with blinds over their eyes. Hurt consumed plenty and caused even the one's who seemed rooted in God to doubt. You know, when you're soo involved in a relationship, there's no doubt that may creep in because you've established a firm foundation with the person. That's how it should be with God. The trust should be so intense and so real that nothing can seep in and say otherwise.

Many people questioned God while other's stayed close to God. It was a crucial time in the journey. God always gives something precious to man, yet man seems to always mess up. Man becomes prideful and decides to want it for themselves. No type of appreciation towards God because to man, he/she did it themselves. That's wrong. You know, Apostle William Hinn said something that was so real and true. Everything here on Earth has a specific order. The trees, the wind, the animals...everything has a purpose and it is done correctly. Everything except one creation...MAN.
Man is the only creation made by God that goes the complete opposite of what God has destined man to be. God has given complete rule and authority over everything in the Earth yet Man acts as a slave to what's suppose to be their possesion.

You know there are a ton of Christians that seem to think being a christian doesn't mean they have to be completely different from the world. They decide to dress, act, teach, learn and speak like the world. It then comes to the point where those christians look no different that those who proclaim that they want nothing to do with God. They begin to consume themselves with the media that the world provides and reject music that speak of their Creator. They begin to get markings on their bodies because "hey, it's nothing bad. It's the meaning behind it that matters." That's the point where they begin to pick at the word and what the word says about those things just so they can be accepted with the world. Yet, when you really study the word, you begin to realize the persecution Jesus received. The rejection and the abuse He received because He was different.

We complain about life and about the difficult journey we are in but in reality it is nothing compared to the journey Christ had to go through so that you can live!

I must be honest, it truly bugs me when the only words that come out of the mouth of believers are words that benefit themselves. They easily forget that we are put here not for ourselves, but for the people we are to bring back. We are put here to glorify the Great I's not about YOU. It's about them...It's about HIM. God will soon turn what's ugly into something beautiful like He always has.

I don’t take credit for my work,

Instead I give it to the Lord..who knows…my flow,

And, I rather not dwell on the success,

that lies ahead,

instead I embrace the pain.

The pain of less satisfaction and those that cause distraction

‘cuz it’s led me to examination

of the mind.

I can sit here and write my story

relate it to your story

but I wont accept the glory

that reaks out of your mouth

What I write comes from the most High.

I settle for nothing unless the demand

is something




Something, that makes me desire to move forward.

I do not dance with words as a flirt.

I do not sell my words to flow.

For you to accept me?

I write for One.

One who accepts me without me trying.

One who accepts me knowing I am a liar.

That lies and regrets and makes mistakes,

‘cuz did I tell you I’m not perfect.

I don’t strive for perfection.

I bow down to perfection.

My God. Jehova Jireh.

Nothing greater than Him.

In the end it’s God.


Written on October 27, 2009